I recently posted on Facebook a multi me 360 which is comprised of 4 versions of me doing something in one 360 panorama.
If you haven’t seen it yet click the image below.

So I received a lot of comments of people asking me how I did this, so I figured I would take a stab at doing a video tutorial on how to do your own multi me. Which is linked below.
First I would like to go over what I shot this with and the issues I ran into that may help you out if you want to try one of these.
Things to keep in mind:
I used the Ricoh Theta Z1 to shoot 4 different positions of me with the Dual Fisheye Plugin.
I had to reshoot this twice since I messed up the first one and had some conditions I didn’t really take into account until I started to edit the first set of photos.
- Make sure nothing moves in-between your shots. I was in my chair the first time and got up and it moved a few inches which made it hard to deal with in photoshop. So when you go from one post to another make sure nothing has moved.
- Lighting conditions where off on my first set as well, I have a skylight in my house and the clouds where moving pretty quickly that day causing variance in the lighting of each image shot. So watch that your lighting conditions do not change otherwise you may have a lot of photoshop work to do.
- Preplan your shots you want. Think of something funny. I added some thought bubbles above my head to show what I was thinking. Be funny about it!
My process:
- Shot 4 images with the Z1 and the Dual Fisheye plugin in HDR mode
- Processed all 4 images in Adobe bridge with camera Raw
- From Adobe Bridge I loaded all 4 images into a single file into Photoshop as layers. Bridge (Tools->Photoshop->Load files into Photoshop Layers)
- I used a masking technique to blend the various poses I did into one layer then merged all layers into one.
- Exported the file as a Tiff and stitched it in PTGui
- Edited the final switched image in Photoshop and removed the tripod.
- Used 3D Vista to create the image overlays and publish the final output to my server.
Tutorial Video:
I usually do these on the fly and try with one take, however some times its not possible, Ill refine my process so just bare with me ๐ If you like my video please give it a thumbs up and subscribe!
If you do your own multi me, please leave me a link in the comments below here or on YouTube!
Cheers and I hope this helps someone out or gives them something to do during these crazy times.