#: locale=en ## Tour ### Title tour.name = Playa Art Park ## Skin ### Button Button_41E382A5_60B9_0A08_41D5_3FD188EFFDD4.label = LOCATION Button_41E3A2A5_60B9_0A08_41BE_55AB547304EE.label = PHOTOS Button_41E3D2A5_60B9_0A08_41B7_737D4607570D.label = INFO Button_41E3F2A5_60B9_0A08_41C3_9FE9C5047659.label = PANORAMAS Button_4B3BBA62_697A_B3DE_41D3_514AA3F1AB9D.label = Website ### Multiline Text HTMLText_062AD830_1140_E215_41B0_321699661E7F.html =
Reno Playa Art Project

A Burning Man Global Arts Grant Recipient

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.

Integer gravida dui quis euismod placerat. Maecenas quis accumsan ipsum. Aliquam gravida velit at dolor mollis, quis luctus mauris vulputate. Proin condimentum id nunc sed sollicitudin.

HTMLText_47FD1CB1_6ADF_50BA_41CF_9A5DF7BACC7C.html =
Reno Playa Art Park

A Burning Man Global Arts Grant Recipient

In 2016 Artech saw the benefit of placing smaller sculptures in civic environments with the first Reno Playa Art Park. Executive Director Maria Partridge had been collaborating with Burning Man Founder, Crimson Rose placing art in Reno since 2008.

With support from Reno’s Art and Culture Commission and Burning Man via a Global Arts Grant, Artech found a private lot and curated a small selection of sculptures from the 2016 event. Based on the success of placing Burning Man art in what would have been a blight area in downtown Reno Artech decided to continue in the same location for Playa Park 2017 with the placement of 10 sculptures.

Two remained from the 2016 park and eight were from the 2017 event and came straight to Reno. The park has continued to grow each year with some sculptures leaving and new ones arriving from Burning Man each year from 2018 – 2020. The city of Reno’s Art and Culture Commission and City Council have voted unanimously for the placement of Burning Man art in downtown Reno continuing into the future.

Playa Park sculptures have inspired other communities to place Burning Man art resulting in 2 sculptures from the Reno Playa Park (Imago and Good Luck Horseshoe) traveling to Davis California parks in November 2017 for a yearlong installation. We continue to collaborate with other parks, businesses and cities throughout Nevada who are inspired to place the art of Burning Man in their communities.

Tour By Steve Tietze
Email: stietze@gmail.com or visit my website here.

For Sale
All sculptures are for sale. Contact info@artechreno.com for more information.
HTMLText_4810687A_79A5_CBC4_41BD_A93A03840DA6_mobile.html =
Identity Awareness Family

Shane Pitzer

Identity Awareness is bringing our latest installation to the playa focusing on the family aspect of Burning Man and back in our communities.

A 10’x10′ 3D metal heart will be held up by four family members signifying strength and working together to support the whole unit. One side will be held up by the father and daughter while the other side will be a mother and son.

All family members will have LED hearts that will beat in unison. The heart will have 1.5″ tubing with places to climb and hang from in order to pose for pictures or simply explore.

Burning Man 2017
HTMLText_4817687D_79A5_CBBC_41CF_9006C22103D8_mobile.html =
As You Wish

Nicole Ashton and Matt Parkhurst

Reminiscent of an Arabian minaret in a mirage beckoning you to enter. Once inside, the swirling points of light create a mystical chamber for your wishes.

The magical lamp turning with myriad points of light dancing across the desert. Inside, the light carries your wishes up to the stars.

As You Wish is experiential from every perspective: visual at a distance, kinesthetic and auditory at the outer and inner surface when turning it together with others to create patterns of steel and light, and visual and participatory inside.

By expressing wishes with others, the very nature of what one wishes will be impacted and become inclusive of the wishes of others, elevating aspirations of everyone that participates in the magic of piece to a higher, more collectively benevolent plane.

Facebook Page
HTMLText_487038ED_79A7_4CDC_41D3_801AAF91737A_mobile.html =
Sings of the Times

Scott Froschauer

The ten principles of Burning Man are the guiding force behind the Burning Man Culture. Scott Froschauer’s homage to these principles is a representation of his desire to bring the culture of Burning Man out of Black Rock City and into the rest of the world. Scott’s series of street signs, called The Word on The Street, can be found in front yards, municipal parks, libraries and public spaces around the country.

This sculpture, featured at Burning Man 2017, will be traveling to the Smithsonian’s Renwick Gallery in Washington D.C. as part of the No Spectators: The Art of Burning Man exhibit in March 2018.

Artist Website

To learn more about the 10 Principles of Burning Man please go here.

HTMLText_487128F0_79A7_4CC4_415F_1C4FAD78B4B8_mobile.html =
As You Wish

Nicole Ashton and Matt Parkhurst

Reminiscent of an Arabian minaret in a mirage beckoning you to enter. Once inside, the swirling points of light create a mystical chamber for your wishes.

The magical lamp turning with myriad points of light dancing across the desert. Inside, the light carries your wishes up to the stars.

As You Wish is experiential from every perspective: visual at a distance, kinesthetic and auditory at the outer and inner surface when turning it together with others to create patterns of steel and light, and visual and participatory inside.

By expressing wishes with others, the very nature of what one wishes will be impacted and become inclusive of the wishes of others, elevating aspirations of everyone that participates in the magic of piece to a higher, more collectively benevolent plane.

Facebook Page
HTMLText_499287ED_79AD_44DC_41C0_95394C1E3D87_mobile.html =
As You Wish

Nicole Ashton and Matt Parkhurst

Reminiscent of an Arabian minaret in a mirage beckoning you to enter. Once inside, the swirling points of light create a mystical chamber for your wishes.

The magical lamp turning with myriad points of light dancing across the desert. Inside, the light carries your wishes up to the stars.

As You Wish is experiential from every perspective: visual at a distance, kinesthetic and auditory at the outer and inner surface when turning it together with others to create patterns of steel and light, and visual and participatory inside.

By expressing wishes with others, the very nature of what one wishes will be impacted and become inclusive of the wishes of others, elevating aspirations of everyone that participates in the magic of piece to a higher, more collectively benevolent plane.

Facebook Page
HTMLText_4994B7EA_79AD_44C4_41A6_0D255165E045_mobile.html =
The da Vinci Wings

Kyle Larrain & an International Crew of Smiths

The da Vinci Wings is a sculpture created by Scultura di Colletivo, an international blacksmith group running a pop up interactive sculptural workshop on the Playa at Burning Man 2016 “da Vinci's Workshop”.

The wings are made of forged and fabricated steel and wrought iron, using many traditional blacksmithing techniques and joinery. Although built in a modern day shop, much of the work was done by hand using hammers and anvils.

The sculptural concept was hatched by Kyle Larrain, the wings were drawn by Pete Mattila, the da Vinci heads were forged by Freddy Rodriguez of Colombia, and the bases were made out of old lift towers from Squaw Valley. Highly skilled blacksmiths from around the world forged these wings at Mountain Forge in Truckee, in advance of the Burning Man event.

Burning Man 2016

Artist Website
HTMLText_4B28F6D2_79E7_44C4_41AA_EE8BA62CC674.html =
Internal Exposure

Jessica Levine

(Burning Man Honorarium art from 2019)

Slithering vines of steel birth a human head from an abstract flower, whose petals can dance as people interact. A single light bulb hangs from inside emanating light from within the mind and distorting perception for those who decide to peer through her teleidoscope eyes.

This sculpture represents the concept of a “planted seed” in the mind–germinating and blossoming into a full-fledged idea. It correlates with the blossoming of the self, into a full-fledged “human.” We all started out as ideas, and then we are born and have ideas implanted into our minds, which create our perceptions.

By weeding through these preconceived notions and creating our own ideas, we can (re)construct our whole selves, exposing who we actually are.

Burning Man 2019

Artist Website

HTMLText_4B2C36D6_79E7_44CC_41CA_0545B77D8608.html =

Andrea Greenlees from Surbiton, UK

“Trasparenza is a transparent structure resembling a sparkling crystal crown,” according to the city of Reno’s list. “Twelve turreted triangular towers form a chapel-like installation. It will be made entirely of clear cast acrylic panels laser-cut with intricate detail.

The imagery of the lower panels represents the heraldic emblems of the master guilds of Florence and a Medici coat of arms represents philanthropy. The laser-cut motifs on the inner walls illustrate Leonardo’s lifelong preoccupations including geometry, architecture, engineering, hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, anatomy and painting.

The arches through which participants enter and leave feature the inscription SAPER VEDERE, meaning “knowing how to see.” A humanist chapel, Trasparenza is a place for Reno citizens to play in and pray in.”

Burning Man 2016

Artist Web Page
HTMLText_4B4DD26A_79A5_5FC4_41B7_1929A269F039.html =

Andrea Greenlees from Surbiton, UK

“Trasparenza is a transparent structure resembling a sparkling crystal crown,” according to the city of Reno’s list. “Twelve turreted triangular towers form a chapel-like installation. It will be made entirely of clear cast acrylic panels laser-cut with intricate detail.

The imagery of the lower panels represents the heraldic emblems of the master guilds of Florence and a Medici coat of arms represents philanthropy. The laser-cut motifs on the inner walls illustrate Leonardo’s lifelong preoccupations including geometry, architecture, engineering, hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, anatomy and painting.

The arches through which participants enter and leave feature the inscription SAPER VEDERE, meaning “knowing how to see.” A humanist chapel, Trasparenza is a place for Reno citizens to play in and pray in.”

Burning Man 2016

Artist Web Page
HTMLText_4B4FD267_79A5_5FCC_41C6_8FAF483D985E.html =
Identity Awareness Family

Shane Pitzer

Identity Awareness is bringing our latest installation to the playa focusing on the family aspect of Burning Man and back in our communities.

A 10’x10′ 3D metal heart will be held up by four family members signifying strength and working together to support the whole unit. One side will be held up by the father and daughter while the other side will be a mother and son.

All family members will have LED hearts that will beat in unison. The heart will have 1.5″ tubing with places to climb and hang from in order to pose for pictures or simply explore.

Burning Man 2017

HTMLText_4B686198_79AF_3D44_41A1_4C78367073EF.html =
Signs of the Times

Scott Froschauer

The ten principles of Burning Man are the guiding force behind the Burning Man Culture. Scott Froschauer’s homage to these principles is a representation of his desire to bring the culture of Burning Man out of Black Rock City and into the rest of the world. Scott’s series of street signs, called The Word on The Street, can be found in front yards, municipal parks, libraries and public spaces around the country.

This sculpture, featured at Burning Man 2017, will be traveling to the Smithsonian’s Renwick Gallery in Washington D.C. as part of the No Spectators: The Art of Burning Man exhibit in March 2018.

Artist Website

To learn more about the 10 Principles of Burning Man please go here.
HTMLText_4B69C19B_79AF_3D44_41A6_28EEEB83F45C.html =

Andrea Greenlees from Surbiton, UK

“Trasparenza is a transparent structure resembling a sparkling crystal crown,” according to the city of Reno’s list. “Twelve turreted triangular towers form a chapel-like installation. It will be made entirely of clear cast acrylic panels laser-cut with intricate detail.

The imagery of the lower panels represents the heraldic emblems of the master guilds of Florence and a Medici coat of arms represents philanthropy. The laser-cut motifs on the inner walls illustrate Leonardo’s lifelong preoccupations including geometry, architecture, engineering, hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, anatomy and painting.

The arches through which participants enter and leave feature the inscription SAPER VEDERE, meaning “knowing how to see.” A humanist chapel, Trasparenza is a place for Reno citizens to play in and pray in.”

Burning Man 2016

Artist Web Page
HTMLText_4F7C85A9_695D_F0AA_41D2_067CFA6C933B.html =

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget a dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget a dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget a dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue.
HTMLText_4F7C85A9_695D_F0AA_41D2_067CFA6C933B_mobile.html =
Reno Playa Art Park

A Burning Man Global Arts Grant Recipient

In 2016 Artech saw the benefit of placing smaller sculptures in civic environments with the first Reno Playa Art Park. Executive Director Maria Partridge had been collaborating with Burning Man Founder, Crimson Rose placing art in Reno since 2008.

With support from Reno’s Art and Culture Commission and Burning Man via a Global Arts Grant, Artech found a private lot and curated a small selection of sculptures from the 2016 event. Based on the success of placing Burning Man art in what would have been a blight area in downtown Reno Artech decided to continue in the same location for Playa Park 2017 with the placement of 10 sculptures.

Two remained from the 2016 park and eight were from the 2017 event and came straight to Reno. The park has continued to grow each year with some sculptures leaving and new ones arriving from Burning Man each year from 2018 – 2020. The city of Reno’s Art and Culture Commission and City Council have voted unanimously for the placement of Burning Man art in downtown Reno continuing into the future.

Playa Park sculptures have inspired other communities to place Burning Man art resulting in 2 sculptures from the Reno Playa Park (Imago and Good Luck Horseshoe) traveling to Davis California parks in November 2017 for a yearlong installation. We continue to collaborate with other parks, businesses and cities throughout Nevada who are inspired to place the art of Burning Man in their communities.

Tour By Steve Tietze
Email: stietze@gmail.com or visit my website here.

For Sale
All sculptures are for sale. Contact info@artechreno.com for more information.
HTMLText_50DAA91D_79FD_4D7C_41C3_781CD51FE912_mobile.html =
As You Wish

Nicole Ashton and Matt Parkhurst

Reminiscent of an Arabian minaret in a mirage beckoning you to enter. Once inside, the swirling points of light create a mystical chamber for your wishes.

The magical lamp turning with myriad points of light dancing across the desert. Inside, the light carries your wishes up to the stars.

As You Wish is experiential from every perspective: visual at a distance, kinesthetic and auditory at the outer and inner surface when turning it together with others to create patterns of steel and light, and visual and participatory inside.

By expressing wishes with others, the very nature of what one wishes will be impacted and become inclusive of the wishes of others, elevating aspirations of everyone that participates in the magic of piece to a higher, more collectively benevolent plane.

Facebook Page
HTMLText_50DBB919_79FD_4D47_41A2_0FC9649E1DEB_mobile.html =
Sunrise Sunset Horseshoe Bench

Mike Grey

Give yourself the gift of relaxation and renewal. Stop and be still for a moment. So much is moving on the playa… What’s that? A BENCH!

Like an oasis for the weary traveler, a place to sit and regenerate is a welcome sight. Residents face residents…

take in the sunset or the sunrise…

relax and enjoy the good luck horseshoe bench!

Burning Man 2017
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Adrian Landon

“Metal sculptor Adrian Landon brings forth to you his expression, through steel, of his experience and close connection to the incredible and unique majestic animal that most people once knew, the symbiotic relationship with horses.

One can feel the energy by looking into the eyes of these creations, the energy of these powerful beasts, and the energy that was put into their making, hours of pounding sheet metal by hand and with machines that the artist designed and built himself.
Landon has been sculpting for 10 years now in New York City.

Burning Man 2018

Adrian Landon's Website
HTMLText_51B9CA5B_79E5_4FC4_4197_7F0CD2C422BB_mobile.html =
As You Wish

Nicole Ashton and Matt Parkhurst

Reminiscent of an Arabian minaret in a mirage beckoning you to enter. Once inside, the swirling points of light create a mystical chamber for your wishes.

The magical lamp turning with myriad points of light dancing across the desert. Inside, the light carries your wishes up to the stars.

As You Wish is experiential from every perspective: visual at a distance, kinesthetic and auditory at the outer and inner surface when turning it together with others to create patterns of steel and light, and visual and participatory inside.

By expressing wishes with others, the very nature of what one wishes will be impacted and become inclusive of the wishes of others, elevating aspirations of everyone that participates in the magic of piece to a higher, more collectively benevolent plane.

Facebook Page
HTMLText_52534023_79E3_5B44_41C4_EC95F8F5E11D.html =
Sunrise Sunset Horseshoe Bench

Mike Grey

Give yourself the gift of relaxation and renewal. Stop and be still for a moment. So much is moving on the playa… What’s that? A BENCH!

Like an oasis for the weary traveler, a place to sit and regenerate is a welcome sight. Residents face residents…

take in the sunset or the sunrise…

relax and enjoy the good luck horseshoe bench!

Burning Man 2017

HTMLText_55AF2026_79E3_5B4C_41D7_0C5683F62F9F.html =

Andrea Greenlees from Surbiton, UK

“Trasparenza is a transparent structure resembling a sparkling crystal crown,” according to the city of Reno’s list. “Twelve turreted triangular towers form a chapel-like installation. It will be made entirely of clear cast acrylic panels laser-cut with intricate detail.

The imagery of the lower panels represents the heraldic emblems of the master guilds of Florence and a Medici coat of arms represents philanthropy. The laser-cut motifs on the inner walls illustrate Leonardo’s lifelong preoccupations including geometry, architecture, engineering, hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, anatomy and painting.

The arches through which participants enter and leave feature the inscription SAPER VEDERE, meaning “knowing how to see.” A humanist chapel, Trasparenza is a place for Reno citizens to play in and pray in.”

Burning Man 2016

Artist Web Page
HTMLText_5635ED18_79A4_C544_41D2_66CCC6CEC159.html =
Internal Exposure

Jessica Levine

(Burning Man Honorarium art from 2019)

Slithering vines of steel birth a human head from an abstract flower, whose petals can dance as people interact. A single light bulb hangs from inside emanating light from within the mind and distorting perception for those who decide to peer through her teleidoscope eyes.

This sculpture represents the concept of a “planted seed” in the mind–germinating and blossoming into a full-fledged idea. It correlates with the blossoming of the self, into a full-fledged “human.” We all started out as ideas, and then we are born and have ideas implanted into our minds, which create our perceptions.

By weeding through these preconceived notions and creating our own ideas, we can (re)construct our whole selves, exposing who we actually are.

Burning Man 2019

Artist Website

HTMLText_56364D1B_79A4_C544_41D3_BEA735414BB5.html =

Andrea Greenlees from Surbiton, UK

“Trasparenza is a transparent structure resembling a sparkling crystal crown,” according to the city of Reno’s list. “Twelve turreted triangular towers form a chapel-like installation. It will be made entirely of clear cast acrylic panels laser-cut with intricate detail.

The imagery of the lower panels represents the heraldic emblems of the master guilds of Florence and a Medici coat of arms represents philanthropy. The laser-cut motifs on the inner walls illustrate Leonardo’s lifelong preoccupations including geometry, architecture, engineering, hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, anatomy and painting.

The arches through which participants enter and leave feature the inscription SAPER VEDERE, meaning “knowing how to see.” A humanist chapel, Trasparenza is a place for Reno citizens to play in and pray in.”

Burning Man 2016

Artist Web Page
HTMLText_567B9229_79E5_3F44_4194_4770803065F8.html =
Quality of Life

Tamz Bailie-Schultz and Josh Vaile

(Burning Man Honorarium art from 2019)

Quality of Life resembles a flock of migrating birds balancing on each other heads.

The sculpture will incorporate large wood birds made from reclaimed wood beams salvaged from a demolished commercial building.

A large steel metal feather sits at the forward apex of the sculpture symbolizing the fragility of the balance.

The sculpture honors the migration and the collaborative movement of nature and its processes.

Burning Man 2019

Facebook Page

HTMLText_567FB22B_79E5_3F5B_41DA_A2A36A5D21D0.html =

Andrea Greenlees from Surbiton, UK

“Trasparenza is a transparent structure resembling a sparkling crystal crown,” according to the city of Reno’s list. “Twelve turreted triangular towers form a chapel-like installation. It will be made entirely of clear cast acrylic panels laser-cut with intricate detail.

The imagery of the lower panels represents the heraldic emblems of the master guilds of Florence and a Medici coat of arms represents philanthropy. The laser-cut motifs on the inner walls illustrate Leonardo’s lifelong preoccupations including geometry, architecture, engineering, hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, anatomy and painting.

The arches through which participants enter and leave feature the inscription SAPER VEDERE, meaning “knowing how to see.” A humanist chapel, Trasparenza is a place for Reno citizens to play in and pray in.”

Burning Man 2016

Artist Web Page
HTMLText_56CE7B08_79A5_4D44_41D0_C2132B1EB781.html =
The da Vinci Wings

Kyle Larrain & an International Crew of Smiths

The da Vinci Wings is a sculpture created by Scultura di Colletivo, an international blacksmith group running a pop up interactive sculptural workshop on the Playa at Burning Man 2016 “da Vinci's Workshop”.

The wings are made of forged and fabricated steel and wrought iron, using many traditional blacksmithing techniques and joinery. Although built in a modern day shop, much of the work was done by hand using hammers and anvils.

The sculptural concept was hatched by Kyle Larrain, the wings were drawn by Pete Mattila, the da Vinci heads were forged by Freddy Rodriguez of Colombia, and the bases were made out of old lift towers from Squaw Valley. Highly skilled blacksmiths from around the world forged these wings at Mountain Forge in Truckee, in advance of the Burning Man event.

Burning Man 2016

Artist Website

HTMLText_56D1BB0B_79A5_4D44_41D3_6A904A955D95.html =

Andrea Greenlees from Surbiton, UK

“Trasparenza is a transparent structure resembling a sparkling crystal crown,” according to the city of Reno’s list. “Twelve turreted triangular towers form a chapel-like installation. It will be made entirely of clear cast acrylic panels laser-cut with intricate detail.

The imagery of the lower panels represents the heraldic emblems of the master guilds of Florence and a Medici coat of arms represents philanthropy. The laser-cut motifs on the inner walls illustrate Leonardo’s lifelong preoccupations including geometry, architecture, engineering, hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, anatomy and painting.

The arches through which participants enter and leave feature the inscription SAPER VEDERE, meaning “knowing how to see.” A humanist chapel, Trasparenza is a place for Reno citizens to play in and pray in.”

Burning Man 2016

Artist Web Page
HTMLText_5740F58F_79EF_455C_41D4_589158B3EE32_mobile.html =
As You Wish

Nicole Ashton and Matt Parkhurst

Reminiscent of an Arabian minaret in a mirage beckoning you to enter. Once inside, the swirling points of light create a mystical chamber for your wishes.

The magical lamp turning with myriad points of light dancing across the desert. Inside, the light carries your wishes up to the stars.

As You Wish is experiential from every perspective: visual at a distance, kinesthetic and auditory at the outer and inner surface when turning it together with others to create patterns of steel and light, and visual and participatory inside.

By expressing wishes with others, the very nature of what one wishes will be impacted and become inclusive of the wishes of others, elevating aspirations of everyone that participates in the magic of piece to a higher, more collectively benevolent plane.

Facebook Page
HTMLText_5743C58C_79EF_455C_41DD_B6485C776056_mobile.html =
Quality of Life

Tamz Bailie-Schultz and Josh Vaile

(Burning Man Honorarium art from 2019)

Quality of Life resembles a flock of migrating birds balancing on each other heads.

The sculpture will incorporate large wood birds made from reclaimed wood beams salvaged from a demolished commercial building.

A large steel metal feather sits at the forward apex of the sculpture symbolizing the fragility of the balance.

The sculpture honors the migration and the collaborative movement of nature and its processes.

Burning Man 2019

Facebook Page
HTMLText_57D8D168_79DD_FDC5_41DB_64DBF6E4A346_mobile.html =
Internal Exposure

Jessica Levine

(Burning Man Honorarium art from 2019)

Slithering vines of steel birth a human head from an abstract flower, whose petals can dance as people interact. A single light bulb hangs from inside emanating light from within the mind and distorting perception for those who decide to peer through her teleidoscope eyes.

This sculpture represents the concept of a “planted seed” in the mind–germinating and blossoming into a full-fledged idea. It correlates with the blossoming of the self, into a full-fledged “human.” We all started out as ideas, and then we are born and have ideas implanted into our minds, which create our perceptions.

By weeding through these preconceived notions and creating our own ideas, we can (re)construct our whole selves, exposing who we actually are.

Burning Man 2019

Artist Website
HTMLText_57DB816C_79DD_FDDC_41C6_702D1A090092_mobile.html =
As You Wish

Nicole Ashton and Matt Parkhurst

Reminiscent of an Arabian minaret in a mirage beckoning you to enter. Once inside, the swirling points of light create a mystical chamber for your wishes.

The magical lamp turning with myriad points of light dancing across the desert. Inside, the light carries your wishes up to the stars.

As You Wish is experiential from every perspective: visual at a distance, kinesthetic and auditory at the outer and inner surface when turning it together with others to create patterns of steel and light, and visual and participatory inside.

By expressing wishes with others, the very nature of what one wishes will be impacted and become inclusive of the wishes of others, elevating aspirations of everyone that participates in the magic of piece to a higher, more collectively benevolent plane.

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David Oliver

Burning Man Honorarium art from 2019

A Portal possible of transformation… not to that which is coming, but to things here. With a ring 12′ in diameter made from 4,608 stained glass tiles with a total of 24 colors, graduating the color wheel in a flowing mosaic that is two sided.

Two 7-thousand-pound basalt stone columns stand guard from the left and from the right. Portal will also be lit with an increasing laser light show controlled on a theremin device, with sound effects that go off when one enters.


The color in harmony attracts vitality through beauty, like a flower does a bee. The bee gets food in exchange for spreading pollen. In the same manner one attracts to Portal. Coming out with powerful frequencies, to bounce off their friends, their family, the animals, EARTH, and even so called… “enemies.”

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Andrea Greenlees from Surbiton, UK

“Trasparenza is a transparent structure resembling a sparkling crystal crown,” according to the city of Reno’s list. “Twelve turreted triangular towers form a chapel-like installation.

It will be made entirely of clear cast acrylic panels laser-cut with intricate detail. The imagery of the lower panels represents the heraldic emblems of the master guilds of Florence and a Medici coat of arms represents philanthropy. The laser-cut motifs on the inner walls illustrate Leonardo’s lifelong preoccupations including geometry, architecture, engineering, hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, anatomy and painting.

The arches through which participants enter and leave feature the inscription SAPER VEDERE, meaning “knowing how to see.” A humanist chapel, Trasparenza is a place for Reno citizens to play in and pray in.”

Burning Man 2017

Artist Web Page
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As You Wish

Nicole Ashton and Matt Parkhurst

Reminiscent of an Arabian minaret in a mirage beckoning you to enter. Once inside, the swirling points of light create a mystical chamber for your wishes.

The magical lamp turning with myriad points of light dancing across the desert. Inside, the light carries your wishes up to the stars.

As You Wish is experiential from every perspective: visual at a distance, kinesthetic and auditory at the outer and inner surface when turning it together with others to create patterns of steel and light, and visual and participatory inside.

By expressing wishes with others, the very nature of what one wishes will be impacted and become inclusive of the wishes of others, elevating aspirations of everyone that participates in the magic of piece to a higher, more collectively benevolent plane.

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Playa Art Park

A Burning Man Global Arts Grant Recipient

In 2016 Artech saw the benefit of placing smaller sculptures in civic environments with the first Reno Playa Art Park. Executive Director Maria Partridge had been collaborating with Burning Man Founder, Crimson Rose placing art in Reno since 2008.

With support from Reno’s Art and Culture Commission and Burning Man via a Global Arts Grant, Artech found a private lot and curated a small selection of sculptures from the 2016 event. Based on the success of placing Burning Man art in what would have been a blight area in downtown Reno Artech decided to continue in the same location for Playa Park 2017 with the placement of 10 sculptures.

Two remained from the 2016 park and eight were from the 2017 event and came straight to Reno. The park has continued to grow each year with some sculptures leaving and new ones arriving from Burning Man each year from 2018 – 2020. The city of Reno’s Art and Culture Commission and City Council have voted unanimously for the placement of Burning Man art in downtown Reno continuing into the future.

Playa Park sculptures have inspired other communities to place Burning Man art resulting in 2 sculptures from the Reno Playa Park (Imago and Good Luck Horseshoe) traveling to Davis California parks in November 2017 for a yearlong installation. We continue to collaborate with other parks, businesses and cities throughout Nevada who are inspired to place the art of Burning Man in their communities.

Tour By Steve Tietze
Email: stietze@gmail.com or visit my website here.

For Sale
All sculptures are for sale. Contact info@artechreno.com for more information.
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Andrea Greenlees from Surbiton, UK

“Trasparenza is a transparent structure resembling a sparkling crystal crown,” according to the city of Reno’s list. “Twelve turreted triangular towers form a chapel-like installation. It will be made entirely of clear cast acrylic panels laser-cut with intricate detail.

The imagery of the lower panels represents the heraldic emblems of the master guilds of Florence and a Medici coat of arms represents philanthropy. The laser-cut motifs on the inner walls illustrate Leonardo’s lifelong preoccupations including geometry, architecture, engineering, hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, anatomy and painting.

The arches through which participants enter and leave feature the inscription SAPER VEDERE, meaning “knowing how to see.” A humanist chapel, Trasparenza is a place for Reno citizens to play in and pray in.”

Burning Man 2016

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David Oliver

A Portal possible of transformation… not to that which is coming, but to things here. With a ring 12′ in diameter made from 4,608 stained glass tiles with a total of 24 colors, graduating the color wheel in a flowing mosaic that is two sided.

Two 7-thousand-pound basalt stone columns stand guard from the left and from the right. Portal will also be lit with an increasing laser light show controlled on a theremin device, with sound effects that go off when one enters.


The color in harmony attracts vitality through beauty, like a flower does a bee. The bee gets food in exchange for spreading pollen. In the same manner one attracts to Portal. Coming out with powerful frequencies, to bounce off their friends, their family, the animals, EARTH, and even so called… “enemies.”

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As You Wish

Nicole Ashton and Matt Parkhurst

Reminiscent of an Arabian minaret in a mirage beckoning you to enter. Once inside, the swirling points of light create a mystical chamber for your wishes.

The magical lamp turning with myriad points of light dancing across the desert. Inside, the light carries your wishes up to the stars.

As You Wish is experiential from every perspective: visual at a distance, kinesthetic and auditory at the outer and inner surface when turning it together with others to create patterns of steel and light, and visual and participatory inside.

By expressing wishes with others, the very nature of what one wishes will be impacted and become inclusive of the wishes of others, elevating aspirations of everyone that participates in the magic of piece to a higher, more collectively benevolent plane.

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Doors to Recovery

Murals by Bryce Chism

These 3 doors by artist Bryce Chisholm were commissioned for a 2017 art installation at Burning Man.

These are a few of the doors representing addiction recovery form the Sundial to Recovery: The Circle of Addiction. Sponsored by the local nonprofit organization Transforming Youth Recovery.

Burning Man 2016

Transforming Youth Recovery
HTMLText_5DC97DD6_79A4_C4CC_41D8_E58D96D7EC4F.html =
Doors to Recovery

Murals by Bryce Chism

These 3 doors by artist Bryce Chisholm were commissioned for a 2017 art installation at Burning Man.

These are a few of the doors representing addiction recovery form the Sundial to Recovery: The Circle of Addiction. Sponsored by the local nonprofit organization Transforming Youth Recovery.

Burning Man 2016

Transforming Youth Recovery
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Andrea Greenlees from Surbiton, UK

“Trasparenza is a transparent structure resembling a sparkling crystal crown,” according to the city of Reno’s list. “Twelve turreted triangular towers form a chapel-like installation. It will be made entirely of clear cast acrylic panels laser-cut with intricate detail.

The imagery of the lower panels represents the heraldic emblems of the master guilds of Florence and a Medici coat of arms represents philanthropy. The laser-cut motifs on the inner walls illustrate Leonardo’s lifelong preoccupations including geometry, architecture, engineering, hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, anatomy and painting.

The arches through which participants enter and leave feature the inscription SAPER VEDERE, meaning “knowing how to see.” A humanist chapel, Trasparenza is a place for Reno citizens to play in and pray in.”

Burning Man 2016

Artist Web Page
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Adrian Landon

“Metal sculptor Adrian Landon brings forth to you his expression, through steel, of his experience and close connection to the incredible and unique majestic animal that most people once knew, the symbiotic relationship with horses.

One can feel the energy by looking into the eyes of these creations, the energy of these powerful beasts, and the energy that was put into their making, hours of pounding sheet metal by hand and with machines that the artist designed and built himself.
Landon has been sculpting for 10 years now in New York City.

Burning Man 2018

Adrian Landon's Website
HTMLText_5F5D8DC5_79A3_44CC_41CE_D6E7F66CE204.html =

Andrea Greenlees from Surbiton, UK

“Trasparenza is a transparent structure resembling a sparkling crystal crown,” according to the city of Reno’s list. “Twelve turreted triangular towers form a chapel-like installation. It will be made entirely of clear cast acrylic panels laser-cut with intricate detail.

The imagery of the lower panels represents the heraldic emblems of the master guilds of Florence and a Medici coat of arms represents philanthropy. The laser-cut motifs on the inner walls illustrate Leonardo’s lifelong preoccupations including geometry, architecture, engineering, hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, anatomy and painting.

The arches through which participants enter and leave feature the inscription SAPER VEDERE, meaning “knowing how to see.” A humanist chapel, Trasparenza is a place for Reno citizens to play in and pray in.”

Burning Man 2016

Artist Web Page
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A Chicken and Egg Situation

Andrea Greenlees from Surbiton, UK

A CHICKEN AND EGG SITUATION is one where it is impossible to say which of two things happened first or caused the other to happen. This installation, featuring both chicken and eggs, takes the traditional riddle and turns it into a giant art object focused on the immediate experience of play.

It has a smooth curvilinear metal framework in the shape of a huge chicken, with a cage of tubular steel hoops forming the body and a large circular opening at the rear, which Burners climb into via a ladder. Inside there is a pile of gigantic leather-covered foam eggs that they can lie on and hug and frolic about in.

The activities of the Participants themselves turn the installation into performance art. Aesthetically it is a shape of great purity and simplicity, emphasizing the ovoid and symbolising fertility. The artwork is the creative expression of a paradox that has exercised philosophers and scientists for centuries

– Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

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As You Wish

Nicole Ashton and Matt Parkhurst

Reminiscent of an Arabian minaret in a mirage beckoning you to enter. Once inside, the swirling points of light create a mystical chamber for your wishes.

The magical lamp turning with myriad points of light dancing across the desert. Inside, the light carries your wishes up to the stars.

As You Wish is experiential from every perspective: visual at a distance, kinesthetic and auditory at the outer and inner surface when turning it together with others to create patterns of steel and light, and visual and participatory inside.

By expressing wishes with others, the very nature of what one wishes will be impacted and become inclusive of the wishes of others, elevating aspirations of everyone that participates in the magic of piece to a higher, more collectively benevolent plane.

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A Chicken and Egg Situation

Andrea Greenlees from Surbiton, UK

A CHICKEN AND EGG SITUATION is one where it is impossible to say which of two things happened first or caused the other to happen. This installation, featuring both chicken and eggs, takes the traditional riddle and turns it into a giant art object focused on the immediate experience of play.

It has a smooth curvilinear metal framework in the shape of a huge chicken, with a cage of tubular steel hoops forming the body and a large circular opening at the rear, which Burners climb into via a ladder. Inside there is a pile of gigantic leather-covered foam eggs that they can lie on and hug and frolic about in.

The activities of the Participants themselves turn the installation into performance art. Aesthetically it is a shape of great purity and simplicity, emphasizing the ovoid and symbolising fertility. The artwork is the creative expression of a paradox that has exercised philosophers and scientists for centuries

– Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Burning Man 2017

Artist Web Page
HTMLText_692C00CF_795F_5CDC_41B7_020D69D629B2.html =
As You Wish

Nicole Ashton and Matt Parkhurst

Reminiscent of an Arabian minaret in a mirage beckoning you to enter. Once inside, the swirling points of light create a mystical chamber for your wishes.

The magical lamp turning with myriad points of light dancing across the desert. Inside, the light carries your wishes up to the stars.

As You Wish is experiential from every perspective: visual at a distance, kinesthetic and auditory at the outer and inner surface when turning it together with others to create patterns of steel and light, and visual and participatory inside.

By expressing wishes with others, the very nature of what one wishes will be impacted and become inclusive of the wishes of others, elevating aspirations of everyone that participates in the magic of piece to a higher, more collectively benevolent plane.

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As You Wish

Nicole Ashton and Matt Parkhurst

Reminiscent of an Arabian minaret in a mirage beckoning you to enter. Once inside, the swirling points of light create a mystical chamber for your wishes.

The magical lamp turning with myriad points of light dancing across the desert. Inside, the light carries your wishes up to the stars.

As You Wish is experiential from every perspective: visual at a distance, kinesthetic and auditory at the outer and inner surface when turning it together with others to create patterns of steel and light, and visual and participatory inside.

By expressing wishes with others, the very nature of what one wishes will be impacted and become inclusive of the wishes of others, elevating aspirations of everyone that participates in the magic of piece to a higher, more collectively benevolent plane.

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